Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Busy Woman Toolkit: Apps, Tips & Other Links

Throughout the week, I often post links on the Easier Simpler Better Facebook page about apps, news stories and other helpful tips that can help get us in the game or ahead of the game. In case Facebook isn't your thing or you haven't been there lately, here is a round up of what's been on my radar.

A rubber band is wrapped around a cut apple to keep the inside from being exposed and going brown.

Apple Rubberband Trick. Love apples? Don't like the extra step of putting cut apples in a lemon-water bath to prevent browning? This clever little tip gives you some serious lunchbox Kung Fu.

The Two-Second T-Shirt Fold. It feels nerdy to tell you all how much I love this trick. If you wash and fold lots of t-shirts, this video is a must.

Apple Passbook. Just the way Apple made us all start touching screens, it looks like they'll change the way we use our mobile devices - get ready to start tapping and waving your phone. Passbook is an app coming with the next release of the Apple mobile operating system and it will let you use your phone to store and use plane and event tickets, hotel loyalty cards and more.

Get Your Info Off of Spokeo. How disturbingly eye-opening is this site? Protect your privacy and follow the very short (I promise) steps to remove your personal information.

Snapperific. If only you could get prints of all those awesome photos on your iPhone... wait, you can! This app makes it easy. The prints are a little pricier, but apparently the quality is high.

Artkive. Here's another great mom app. Snap pics of kids' school artwork, Play-Doh sculptures or whatever else is making their creative juices flow and save the art "portfolio." File by kid and school year or age, then share with doting grandparents.

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